We are very happy to share our expertise and offer a range of legal training for businesses across all of the sectors we support. First North Law’s offices are based in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, but we are happy to travel to deliver our training on-site. Please take a look at the options below and contact us if you need any further information.

Our areas for legal training include:
Adult social care
Our adult social care training remit includes:
- Court skills and presenting a case in the Court of Protection
- New/emerging legislation, e.g. Care Act
- Deprivation of liberty
- Training on aspects of the Mental Capacity Act such as best interests, LPAs and Deputyships
- Section 117 aftercare
Business and environmental services
We run training for Planning Committee members on governance and planning to ensure sound decision making. We also deliver legal training for businesses on a full range of environmental services matters, including impacts of CIL, responsibilities as lead flood authority, and new and emerging legislation.
Children’s social care
Our legal training can cover:
- Court skills and the family court system
- PLO compliance
- New/emerging guidance/legislation
- Adoption law and procedure training for local authority officers and Yorkshire Adoption
Commercial, contracts and procurement
Our legal training for businesses covers:
- All aspects of procurement law, including addressing risk in the procurement process
- Contract law and commercial matters
- Directors duties, obligations and risks.
- Local authority controlled companies, including the application of the Teckal exemption
Education and schools law
We provide training for school staff, governing bodies, elected members and local authority officers. We also cover special educational needs: local authority duties and responsibilities.
Employment law
We deliver training on a full range of employment law issues for staff, school governors and elected members.
Information Law
We run regular information law training seminars on relevant aspects of legislation/guidance for handling information requests and good data handling practices, including information security and GDPR compliance.
Practice management
We offer training in the use of case management software. We can also organise and host external legal training events for other public sector legal teams
We run training on all aspects of commercial property.